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Toy Brain

EMBOSS Your: Mind

Doing something to engage your mind on a daily basis can improve your mental and cognitive health.  There is a wealth of content and opportunities to learn in the world, both physical and digital. Learning something from just one of those sources every day can have a tremendous compound effect over time. And learning should be fun and engaging. If reading isn't your thing, listen to a podcast. If attending an online class seems daunting, watch a TED talk. By doing something to improve your mind every day, you can keep your brain active, healthy, and enjoy the benefits that come with improved knowledge of the world around us.

Habits to improve the MIND


Reading and Audiobooks

Reading a book or listening to an audio book can improve your memory, vocabulary, critical thinking skills as well as your knowledge around a subject. It's important to find a subject or genre that interests and engages you. 

Person holding a presentation


There are numerous resources available for learning a new skill or subject, both online and in-person. From cooking classes to creative writing, taking a class - online or in person - can expand your knowledge and build your know brain's toolkit.

Gamer with Headphones


There are many educational podcasts available on a range of topics, from history to science to the arts. Whether you are learning a topic at a first-grade level, or fortifying your knowledge as a PhD student preparing, there is likely a Podcast to match your skill level.

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