Habits, both good and bad, are learned behaviors that become reflexive over time. Through feedback loops, we are rewarded for our habits. For example, if you have a craving for chocolate cake and you eat it, you might feel satisfied. This positive outcome reinforces the behavior of eating chocolate cake, making it more likely that you will eat the cake again in the future. Conversely, we can be rewarded for positive habits through a similar feedback loop. If you are tired every day, but make a habit of exercising and start to feel energized, that outcome will reinforce the habit of exercise and make you more likely to continue it regularly.
The combination of these habits, good and bad, shape who we are as individuals. Each action we choose is a vote for ourselves, forming our identity. Habits are not about what you want to achieve, rather, who you want to become.
The EMBOSS approach to forming positive habits (and eliminating bad ones) helps shape us as well-rounded individuals. The habit of doing something for your Body every day makes you physically healthier. By practicing the habit of doing something for your Mind daily, you can increase your mental and cognitive health. When you take time to meditate, pray, or worship, (Soul) you are improving our spiritual wellbeing. By consciously doing good actions for Others, you can improve your relationships, and the world around us. Lastly, by doing something for your Self, it is a reminder and a reward, reinforcing these daily habits and the overall EMBOSS feedback loop.
Through the simple but mighty practice of positive daily habits, you hold the power to shape the course of your life and the person you become. Embrace the gift, the challenge, and the opportunity, and use it to EMBOSS your life!